DTT Stratford

The Spikey trial finished at the end of the 2023/2024 season.
In the 2024/2025 season there will be no scientific trial at the DTT Stratford farm as we prepare for a new trial starting in June 2025.


Farm Data

  • 51 effective ha.
  • East of Stratford
  • 1950 mm rainfall
  • 300 meters above sea level


In NZ pastoral farming nitrate leaching from urine patches poses a big environmental risk. The majority of nitrate leaching on dairy farms originates from urine patches. Nitrate concentration in urine patches far exceeds plant requirements and therefore results in leaching of excess nitrate into water bodies.

Pastoral Robotics Limited has developed technology called Spikey® which is able to detect urine patches in pastures post grazing. This technology allows targeted application of products which can inhibit nitrification or stimulate pasture growth utilising excess nitrogen in the patch.

Trial Design

The farm is 51ha and milks 180 jersey cows which is managed in 2 herds and milk collected separately. The farm and herd were randomised into two in June 2020, with each farmlet being allocated to a specific herd. The Spikey® farmlet is treated by Spikey® with Nitrostop™, nitrification inhibitors.

The trial aims to measure the farm system impacts from an economic and environmental perspective of reduced leaching and growing more grass from treating urine patches through Spikey® technology at a commercial farm scale. The purpose of the farm system trial is inform future farm models of the impact which is useful for regulators and farm businesses.

Con-currently a bank of 15 lysimeters has been installed on the Stratford Demonstration farm to specifically measure different inhibitors efficacy, this will add to the range of options that can be applied to urine spots which is responsible for 80 % of nitrate leaching.


  • Milk production from 4 weekly herd tests + vat measurements. Milk can be stored and collected from 2 separate vats & 2 supply numbers via Fonterra.
  • Pasture growth from calibrated weekly visual estimation of all paddocks (2 weekly in winter)
  • Pre and post herbage mass measurements and estimated cow intakes
  • Supplements harvested and fed (separate for each farmlet), supplements purchased (amount and cost)
  • Nitrogen leaching measurements (lysimeters and suction cups)
  • Spikey® and fertiliser applications
  • 4 weekly cow Liveweight and condition score
  • All animal health and cow fertility events

Trial Summary

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