About - Dairy Trust Taranaki
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Our Mission is to advance knowledge and discover solutions to ensure the future viability of dairy farming in Taranaki and New Zealand, through harnessing our resources and collaboration with others

Key Personnel

Mags Bremer

Interim General Manager  


Email GM

Jessie Waite

Chairperson, Dairy Trust Taranaki

Mob: 027 423 8417

Email Jessie

Hayden Lawrence

Deputy Chair

Appointing Entity

Sarah Avery – NZ Young Farmers Club
Bryan Roach – South Taranaki District Council

Mark Laurence – DairyNZ
Nicola McCarthy – Fonterra Co-Operative Dairy Company
Paul Kuriger – Stratford Demonstration Farm Society Inc

Major Supporters

Supported by


The establishment of both the Stratford Demonstration Farm (SDF) and the Waimate West Demonstration Farm (WWDF) in 1917 began a century long commitment from Taranaki Farmers, and the wider provincial community, in the area of dairy demonstration, discovery and innovation.

This was further enhanced in 1978 with the establishment of the Taranaki Agricultural Research Station (TARS) which provided additional farm system research infrastructure and science within the province.

The three research entities have operated independently of each other, although their operating models were similar. However, with the growth of the Dairy Industry in New Zealand, and the establishment of a nationally coordinated research strategy, project funding and management was becoming an increasingly competitive process.

The three legal entities recognised that combining their assets, knowledge and ability into a new single charitable trust would help them more efficiently deliver value in the area of research coordination, project funding, operational excellence, science deliveries, regional strategy and sustainability. This strongly aligns with the general charitable purpose of educating and benefiting the Dairy Industry in Taranaki and New Zealand which is at the heart of each entity’s reason for being.

Dairy Trust Taranaki commenced operations on the 1st December 2016, by merging assets provided by the three legacy entities. The operating footprint of the merged entities covers 408 effective hectares, is milking 1300 cows, holds approximately 268,000 shares and employs or contract a total of 12.5 full time equivalent farm staff.


  • Jessie Waite- Chairperson
  • Hayden Lawrence  – Deputy Chairperson
  • Daniel Butler 
  • Bryan Roach
  • Jamie Swan
  • Mark Laurence
  • Paul Kuriger
  • Nicola McCarthy
  • Tracee Judd
  • Sarah Avery
  • Shane Ardern
  • Jo Bishell
  • Rob Facer

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