Home - Dairy Trust Taranaki
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Our Vision: The lead provider of science-led knowledge and practical solutions for agriculture.

Get the research that local dairy farmers want

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Our Mission:

Delivering relevant, world-class research, demonstration and extension.  

We will:

  • Facilitate the conducting of research relating to farming methods and encourage the publishing of the results of such experiments;
  • Assist in the development of strategies for securing the future of the New Zealand Dairy Industry;
  • Train and educate young farmers and provide scholarships and grants to persons for the purpose of research and development;
  • Support, donate to, or assist other charities and not for profit entities within New Zealand with similar objectives.
DTT Stratford

DTT Stratford

DTT Waimate West

DTT Waimate West

DTT Kavanagh

DTT Kavanagh

DTT Gibson

DTT Gibson

Major Supporters